Miles, the Denver Broncos Mascot Visits Winter Park!

Written by Kyra Demla | Nov 17, 2018 3:27:17 PM

Waking up on November 14th and heading to Winter Park Resort for Opening Day was the highlight of my week.  The feeling of nostalgia when loading the first chairlift of the season... The anticipation of 'the best winter' ahead... The fun music ranging from Beach Boys to Red Hot Chili Peppers playing by the friendly lift operators... It seemed as though everyone in the lift line could not help but have a huge beaming smile on their face. 

I sat on the chairlift listening to the gentle rumble of the lift rising to the top of the mountain where I delighted in the views of snow covered peaks against the blue sky.  Then, at the top of the lift blissfully pressed my skis onto the snow as I glided down the mountain with excitement of making those fist turns of the season.

Photo:  Skiers and Riders enjoying Opening Day at Winter Park Resort on Wednesday, November 14th.

Opening Day at Winter Park was pure fun.  The positive energy was radiant all around.  From lift operators, ski patrol, wait staff, and all the skiers and riders on the slopes.  It seemed as if everyone was there for the same reason; the passion of snow sports.  While some were working in the village below, and others riding down the slopes carving into each graceful turn.  The stoke was high and people genuinely smiled, gave each other high-fives, and spread good energy.  The positive vibes are what I love about opening days at ski resorts.  People embracing the opportunity to soak up the ski and ride mountain culture.  

Opening Day also reminds me that the season ahead is an opportunity to embrace and divine in winter.  Celebrating each inch of snow, counting days on the mountain, and the feeling of comradery with those around.  Miles, the Broncos mascot was even on the slopes spreading good cheer.  Some lucky skiers and riders got their chance at a photo with Miles.  His snow team had an Icon Pass backpack full of prize goodies for skiers and riders to pick out some fun swag.  My luck picked out an Icon Pass wireless phone charger, which ironically I needed as I had just lost my charger.  Another sign being on the mountain was spreading good vibes.

Photo:  Miles the Denver Broncos mascot riding Winter Park on Opening Day.

After riding 4 lifts and 8 or so perfectly groomed runs, I finished the day feeling grateful for an amazing first day on the mountain.  I highly recommend visiting Winter Park and soaking in all the good vibes and energy the season ahead will bring.  Opening Day was pure fun!